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Finding hope: Gunaseelan’s story
11 May, 2022

Finding hope: Gunaseelan’s story

Offering patients the comfort and convenience of affordable cancer care, closer to home

For 65-year-old Gunaseelan (name changed to protect privacy), a bike mechanic from Tirupati, being diagnosed with cancer of the lungs came as a bolt from the blue. Even as he grappled with the sudden turn of events and the emotional turmoil it brought him and his family, a bigger concern was about the cost of treatment and access to quality care.

After searching for suitable and affordable options, Gunaseelan discovered the Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Cancer Care and Research (SVICAAR) which was recently launched in the region.

SVICAAR offered exactly the kind of supportive environment he needed at this difficult time. Right from the hassle-free and quick appointment system, to helpful staff who guided him for the consultation and admissions process, and the promptness of the medical team in ensuring there was no delay in starting his chemotherapy sessions, the spanking new hospital offered a reassuring experience for Gunaseelan and his family members.

They received detailed counselling about the treatment protocols, the potential side effects of chemotherapy and how to deal with them. Armed with all the information to take a well-informed decision, Gunaseelan soon began his first round of chemotherapy, and is now seeing positive results.

Gunaseelan is grateful for the opening of the SVICAAR facility and the modern lines of treatment it provides people like him, who hail from underprivileged backgrounds with severe financial constraints: “The care that I receive here has been excellent and affordable,” he says.

Access to state-of-the-art cancer treatment is often difficult for many patients, especially those from rural India, who have to travel long distances, stay away from their families for extended periods of time and also incur hefty expenses at specialty cancer hospitals.

Apart from the physical and mental agony caused by the illness itself, the undue financial strain compels many patients and their families to stop the treatment. However, all this is changing for the better with hospitals like SVICAAR that are reimagining cancer treatment by putting patients at the centre of a compassionate care model.

It is evident that bringing affordable high-quality cancer care closer to patients’ homes can indeed help save more lives that would otherwise be lost to cancer. In addition, initiatives such as drumming up greater awareness about the disease, encouraging people to go in for regular cancer screening tests and counselling families on ways in which they could support patients, will further elevate the state of cancer care in India.

The SVICCAR team before starting the surgery
Conquering cancer for the second time

Successful treatment at SVICCAR enabled 76-year-old Lakshmi N, triumph over cancer for the second time in life

A patient consulting the doctor
Embracing a better quality of life

Subamma P managed to reclaim her independence, thanks to the exceptional care received at SVICCAR

A new lease of life
A new lease of life

With affordable cancer care at SVICCAR, Lakshmi R was able to regain her health and confidence