; Privacy policy

Privacy policy

This website is designed, developed and maintained by Sri Venkateswara Institute of Cancer Care and Advanced Research (SVICCAR), a unit of Alamelu Charitable Foundation (ACF), supported by Tata Trusts.


SVICCAR will provide access to its web pages to all its stakeholders - medical professionals, patients, care-givers, social workers, and all those who look for information about the hospital and/or on the cancer disease or health information. SVICCAR recognizes the importance of making its website available to the largest possible audience.

Efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and validity of the content on this website. However, these should not be construed as a statement of medical advice, law or used for any legal or contractual purposes and is meant for informational purposes only. SVICCAR does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the content, completeness, and usefulness or otherwise. Visitors to the website should verify/check any information with other relevant source(s). SVICCAR shall not be liable to pay anyone for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any expense, loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of information provided on this website or in any other connection with the use of this website.

SVICCAR’s website will not mention and/or endorse or recommend any products, processes or services for commercial purposes. Any mention of products, processes, or services as a part of the web content should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation. Any information given on this website should not be used to diagnose or treat any health issues.

SVICCAR reserves all intellectual property rights to the information provided on this website. All other logos, names, products, marks and materials that may be mentioned are the intellectual property rights of their respective owners. No materials provided through this website, including text, graphics, logo, code and/or software may be reproduced, distributed, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted or hyperlinked in any manner and in any form without the express, prior written approval of SVICCAR and/or the respective copyright and trademark holders. The products, services and/or information provided on this website are for the user’s personal use only, and the user may not engage in any dealings with other parties on the basis of such information in a manner which will adversely affect the interests of SVICCAR. Comments made in any forums on this site by the website users are strictly their own personal views made in their own personal capacity and are not claims made by SVICCAR or nor do they represent views of SVICCAR.

SVICCAR reserves the right to make changes and/or corrections, at any time and without notice, in the contents of this website including changes and/or corrections to this Legal Disclaimer.

The Legal Disclaimer is governed by and is to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India, without regard to the choice or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. The user shall agree, in the event of any dispute arising in relation to these terms and conditions or any dispute arising in relation to the website, whether in contract or tort or otherwise, to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts located at Mumbai, India for the resolution of all such disputes.

Links : SVICCAR website contains links to other websites. Please note SVICCAR is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites and the user is advised to read the privacy statements of each website user visit, which collects personal information.

Cookie Policy

This website does not use persistent cookies, i.e., tokens that pass information back and forth from your computer to the server and remain after you close your browser.

This website does use session cookies, i.e., tokens that remain active only until you close your browser, in order to make the site easier for the user to access. It enables the SVICCAR system to recognize you when you visit our website again and improve our service to you. Cookies may also be used to compile aggregate information about areas of SVICCAR website that are visited most frequently. This traffic information can be used to enhance the content of SVICCAR’s website. SVICCAR does not track which pages you looked at while visiting the website.

If you wish to reject our cookie, you can configure your browser to do so.